Portrait Photographer in Paris Julia Litvin

Capture the essence of who you are with stunning solo photography. As an experienced portrait photographer, I specialize in creating images that reveal your unique personality and style. From professional headshots to artistic portraits, my goal is to capture the beauty and authenticity of every individual I work with. Whether you need a striking new LinkedIn profile photo or a beautiful image for your personal branding, I’ll work with you to create a personalized session that showcases your best self. Let’s create a beautiful and timeless portrait that you’ll cherish for years to come. Contact me today to schedule your solo photography session

Paris portrait photographer

Paris Portrait Photography Price


  • Advice on preparing for the photoshoot, assistance in choosing locations, and clothing for all participants.
  • 1 hour shooting
  • Editing of all successful photos (~60-80pcs): author's editing , color correction, cropping
  • Ready photos within 14 days
  • Private online gallery for view and sharing
400 €
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  • Advice on how to prepare for the photo shoot, help in choosing a location and clothing for all participants
  • 2 hours of shooting
  • Editing of all successful photos (~120-140 pcs): author's editing , color correction, cropping
  • Ready photos in 10 days
  • Private online gallery for view and sharing
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  • Advice on how to prepare for the photo shoot, help in choosing a location and clothing for all participants
  • 3 hours of shooting
  • Editing of all successful photos (~180-200 pcs): author's editing, color correction, cropping
  • Ready photos in 7 days
  • Private online gallery for view and sharing
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Addtional Services

  • New

    Dress rental

    150 €

    Rent a dress for your photo shoot for 1 hour. More information, and a selection of dresses on the page

  • most popular

    Makeup & Hairstyle

    250 €

    Our Makeup Artist and Hair Stylist will create a bright and unique image for any shoot. The purpose of having your hair & makeup professionally styled for your shoot isn’t to make you look like someone you’re not - it’s all about highlighting your natural beauty, providing you with a camera-ready look, and giving you that extra little confidence boost right before your shoot.

  • Icon

    Express Photo Delivery

    150 €

    Fast editing within 3 days

  • Icon

    Bouquet of flowers

    150 €

    Elevate your photo session with our elegant Parisian Floral Bouquets, assembled and hand-designed by local florists.

Diverse Locations for Every Taste

Paris, with its iconic landmarks, hidden gems, and stunning architecture, provides the perfect canvas for your portrait session. Whether you envision your photos with the majestic Eiffel Tower in the background, the romantic bridges spanning the Seine, or amidst the artistic ambiance of the city’s many museums and galleries, Julia will help bring your vision to life. If you’re uncertain about the ideal location for your shoot, Julia is more than willing to offer her expert advice, ensuring your portrait session is nothing short of magical.

Tailored Packages to Suit Your Needs

Understanding that every client has unique needs and preferences, Julia offers a variety of pricing packages. Whether you’re looking for a brief solo session, a comprehensive family shoot, or something entirely custom, there’s an option that perfectly matches your requirements. Each package is designed to provide you with a collection of beautiful, professionally edited portraits that you’ll treasure for years to come.

A Personal Touch in Every Image

Julia Litvin takes great pride in personally editing every photograph, ensuring that each image not only meets her high standards but also captures the essence of the moment. Her meticulous approach to photo editing enhances the natural beauty of her subjects without overshadowing their true selves. This personal touch is what sets her apart in the world of portrait photography in Paris.

Book Your Unforgettable Paris Photo Session Today

Don’t miss the opportunity to capture the magic of your moments in Paris with Julia Litvin. Contact her today to discuss your vision and book your personal Paris photo session. Let Julia help you create memories that will last a lifetime, beautifully captured through her lens.

Reviews about me

My clients are always happy with the results



My portrait photoshoot in Paris exceeded all expectations. From the top tier talent and professionalism of our photographer to the stunning locations and the magical moments captured, every aspect of the experience was simply perfect. I’d highly recommend booking a photoshoot with Julia if you want to capture yourself and the beauty of Paris in the most incredible way possible. Thank you for creating lifelong memories that I will cherish forever!😍



If you want to look like you are in Vogue magazine then do this! Julia made my dreams come true – she treated me to a professional fashion photo shoot for me. Her locations for Paris portrait photography are STUNNING. She is an expert at posing her clients so they look their absolute best. I was feeling bad because I gained a few pounds after enjoying too much bread and creme brûlée in Paris that week..and my dresses were not fitting the same, I panicked. Julia was an expert at posing me and made me feel at ease. When I saw her photos I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT! She worked magic with her skill and top-quality camera equipment. I look like a new person and am so proud to share the photos. Julia is a highly experienced professional, has a beautiful personality, and is very respectful, patient, and kind. She is also dedicated. Even during protests Julia FOUND a way to get to our shoot and did not ever consider cancelling. I am impressed beyond words.



From start to finish, Julia provided a 5-star experience that exceeded my expectations in every way.
Firstly, communication was top-notch. She was always quick to respond to my messages. She took the time to understand exactly what I was looking for and offered helpful suggestions and advice to enhance my pictures.
Overall, I highly recommend this professional photo shoot expert to anyone looking to enhance their experience. Julia was wonderful and I cannot thank her enough for her work.

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Paris Portrait Photographer

Hurry up to book your session!

Book your dream Paris shoot today!
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